Yuen Method

Yuen Method, taught by Dr. Kam Yuen, DC, one of the most effective healing techniques I have learned.  My healing ability improved dramatically when I added Yuen Method to my toolbox.    
The basic premice of Yuen Method is that the body is like a computer, programmed in the language of 1’s and 0’s, On or Off, Strong or Weak.  Yuen Method is about finding those weaknesses (thought patterns) and correcting them … just like flipping a switch.  Muscle testing is used to track down the true source of the weakness to be corrected.   Intuition speeds up this process dramatically.
Indent this …
Healing is like peeling an onion.  Yuen Method is simply deleting the whole onion from all time and all space as if it never existed.
A client may think his knee is the problem when the true source of his knee pain is the fear of not being able to support his family which was past down through his ancestral line.  The pattern of fear must be cleared down the entire ancestral line to allow instant alignment in the knee and to prevent the pattern from returning.  Correcting the root cause allows for instant shifts in energy field.
What is so fascinating about Yuen Method is the success rate.  Yuen Method is nearly 100% successful at REDUCING or ELIMINATING physical or emotional pain.   Yuen Method is so fast that many issues can be cleared in one healing session.
My technique to “Clear Bothers” is extremely effective in deleting emotional pain in less than one minute!  Often clients cannot even remember what was bothering them.  It is like the link to the memory is GONE.  
One of my most loved techniques for back pain is to clear blocks from each vertabrae in all time and space.  I use muscle testing and intuition to identify weakness to be corrected and where it needs to be corrected (ie. childgood trauma, past life, parallel dimension, ancestors, etc).  
After I correct each vertebrae I use my own special technique to align the head to the proper position.  These techniques improve your structure which alleviates pain.  Nerves are no longer pinched and energy starts moving again.  Clients often feel their center of gravity moving backward as I align their head to its correct position.  When your head is in the proper position it is impossible to slump your shoulders. 
I make all the corrections in the energy body and the shifts may instantly  download into the physical body or download slowly over time.  Usually the client feels the shift instantly. 
I actually use a combination of Yuen Method and Now Healing.  Now Healing is a simplified version of Yuen Method taught by Elma Mayer.  In my opinion, Now Healing is much easier to learn and use and is equally effective.

Order a healing session NOW! 

$90 for a 25 minute healing session 

