Pranic Healing


Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing by Sharon

No time is wasted during Sharon’s healing sessions.

While you are describing your issue, Sharon is using Pranic Healing to clean your aura and chakras. This calms down your emotions and adds clarity to the issues to be cleared.

Pranic Healing is a very easy healing technique to learn and use, whether or not you can feel energy. Basically you use your hands or a healing crystal to remove stuck energy from the body and aura. Ninety five percent of the healing is removing energy. Five percent is adding colors (vibrations) to the area you are healing. A good Pranic Healing takes one hour or more to complete. Sharon combines Pranic Healing with other healing techniques to remove the energy faster. Pranic Healing is like taking an “energetic shower.” Your aura feels clean, your thoughts are calmer, your muscles are more relaxed. Ahhhh!

Pranic Healing classes are an excellent way to learn to feel energy. This is a very effective healing technique.


Experience the Shift!       

Order a healing session NOW! 

$90 for a 25 minute healing session 


