Organ & Tissue Regeneration

Energy from handsRussian Organ & Tissue Regeneration by Gregori Grabavoi & Ardady Petrov

Gregori Grabavoi (aka Grabavoy) is an amazing miracle healer.  His work is also taught by his student, Arcady Petrov.  One of his healing methods uses a bright white light, the “Sphere of Living Matter,” to regenerate the cells.  Wow this is amazing!  This energy is “Pure Creation”.  

He also uses numbers to shift vibration.  Certain patterns of numbers cause energetic shifts.  For example, the number pattern 881 881 881 is used to raise your consciousness.  Refer to his book, “Restoration of the Human Organism through Concentration on Numbers” by Grigori Grabovoi.

The basic premice is all about getting the body to return to the “Creator’s Norm” or as I describe it, the “Creator’s Original Blueprint” for your body before thoughts caused imperfections to manifest. 

A meditation technique uses the concept of going back in time before the first time the problem / event / thought occurred.  Then you declare that it did not happen and you chose a different path.  This is a very effective technique also used by Matrix Energetics and Yuen Method.  Matrix Energetics techniques go back in time to before the problem started and bring that perfect pattern forward into the present.  Yuen Method deletes or corrects the thought in the past or past life. 

This is a VERY effective technique of denying or changing a true historical event.  Strange but effective.  Could it be that a new reality splits off when you declare something different happened?  What is important is a new vibration is carried forward into the present.   That new vibration changes the current vibration and reality shifts.

Gregori Grabavoi is very popular worldwide because of his amazing healing ability.  His patients have regrown organs that were surgically removed.  The only words I have to describe the white light he uses is “Pure Creation”.


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$90 for a 25 minute healing session